Janis Erdmanis
Feb 25, 2017 | 1674 Words

From a cloud to a personalized edge

I have been a Dropbox user for a long time and can recommend it for its stability and ease of use. But it comes with its tradeoffs - the space is limited until you subscribe to their service. That felt too expensive or me, and I started to look for alternatives this April, mainly what I could do with my raspberry pi and home ethernet connection.

Hosting my own data storage service like SAMBA or OwnCloud is hard. First, I do not have a static IP address to which I could always connect, which can be subscribed for an additional fee from my ethernet provider. Also, my network connection is not fast enough to upload data (about 200 kb/s), so large data storage and management seemed painful. Thus costs for subscribing to Dropbox are actually reasonable costs compared to your own effort to maintain a similar service.

Hope came when I read about BitTorrent Sync technology. It allows for making synchronisation folders which can be shared between computers (also phones) without the use of cloud storage. That, in turn, offers limitless storage and speed for sharing data. That is such marvellous software to use! Thus although property (Syncthing is a promising open-source alternative) I decided to dive into it.

Setting up raspbian

Since data is not stored on the cloud, for synchronising, at least two computers must be on. That is usually inconvenient; thus, like others, I set my own always-on node on raspberry pi. Since every time when I set up new stuff on raspberry pi, I look for the same commands on the Internet, I decided to make a detailed description for that here. I start with raspberry pi and an SD card.

On the computer, I download raspbian lite and make a burn to the SD card with a command

dd bs=4M if=2017-07-05-raspbian-jessie.img of=/dev/sdX

where X can be found from changes in ls /dev. After that, I create /boot/ssh file to enable listening for ssh connections for this one session (the ssh file is deleted on boot). Then I push my SD card into Pi and attach it to my computer with an ethernet cable with the method "Shared to other computers" under "Network Connections". The IP address can be found with

nmap -n -sP

where the last number is Broadcast Address, which can be found under connection information. Another way is to scan the whole local network with the following command:

nmap -sP

Now I am able to connect to pi over ssh:

ssh pi@

where the number is the IP address of the previous step (password is Raspberry). As a first step, I change the password with passwd command. Then I start raspi-config and do the following actions in the menu

Now Raspberry is set up for configuration.

Finding ip ADDRESS by an email message

My internet provider provides me with a public IP address allowing me to configure it outside my home network and other exciting things like personal VPN, Samba server, etc. However, it is not static; thus, I have to keep track of it somehow. I have chosen to use email to do that.

As usual, I spent a long time looking for information for things not possible (it was!!!) - sending an email directly from the IP address to Gmail. As a remedy, I have to use an authorised (in some way to avoid spam) email also to send messages which require me to store my email password on the device. That is done by SMTP, and the message script in Python looks as follows:

import subprocess
import smtplib
import socket
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import datetime
# Change to your own account information
to = 'akels14@gmail.com'
gmail_user = 'akels14@gmail.com'
gmail_password = '*********'
smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
smtpserver.login(gmail_user, gmail_password)
today = datetime.date.today()
# Very Linux Specific
arg='ip route list'
data = p.communicate()
split_data = data[0].split()
ipaddr = split_data[split_data.index('src')+1]
my_ip = 'Your ip is %s' %  ipaddr
msg = MIMEText(my_ip)
msg['Subject'] = 'IP For RaspberryPi on %s' % today.strftime('%b %d %Y')
msg['From'] = gmail_user
msg['To'] = to
smtpserver.sendmail(gmail_user, [to], msg.as_string())

To run this script on boot, I put it in /home/pi/bin with chmod +x and add the following lines to /etc/rc.local

IP=$(hostname -I) || true
    if [ "$_IP" ]; then
      printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP"
      sleep 30
      sudo -u pi -i mailip

That will execute the script after all other Linux scripts are done. Sometimes I did not receive emails; thus, one needs to set up raspberry to wait for the network until the boot is finished, which is available under raspi-config. Another option is to execute the script when a network connection is established. That can be accomplished by putting the script in /etc/network/if-up.d/mailip. However, that did not work for me.

Configuration of bittorrent sync

On the Internet, I have read opinions that BitTorrent sync 1.4 is the last stable version, which works best with old raspberry pi, which I did use. Also, the GUI client on Linux has not indicator applet on newer Linux versions, as development seems to be stalled. Fortunately, after looking for an hour, I found it on BitTorrent Sync PPA.

The arm archive downloaded in the link needs to be unarchived and placed and synced to the raspberry pi, which can be done with a command:

rsync btsync pi@[ip pi]:~/bin/

It also needs to be started on boot which can be done by placing a line before exit 0 in /etc/rc.local:

sudo -u pi -i nohup btsync --webui.listen &

To log in to the btsync in the browser, the following address must be used:

[ip of pi]:8888/gui/

In there, you can either create or attach yourself to the shares. And that's it. You may now restart the device, and it will still work as a cloud for you.

Mirroring with cloud

After I had used this setup for over a month, I found it to be very robust and also faster in synchronising than Drobox. The problem at present is that almost no one uses it if you compare the userbase of Dropbox, Onedrive and Google Drive. That, in turn, adds complexity where my pc may fail and makes it feel crowded. I decided that a better option is to put the synchronisation of various cloud services on my Raspberry.

As it turned out, that was not straightforward. For example, Dropbox client does not work on arm devices, and there are no plans to support them. A far-fetched option was to emulate it with a desktop, which worked in principle but was unbearably slow.

Fortunately, there is a rclone cloud synchronisation command line application inspired by the rsync. Although it does its task great of making rsync-like data transfers, it was not immediately apparent how I could make synchronisation of this one. It took me days (or weeks) until I found a way with union-fuse.

First, I create three folders, for example, dropbox:

mkdir -p ~/Cloud/Dropbox.diff
mkdir -p ~/Cloud/Dropbox.ro
mkdir -p ~/BtSync/Cloud/Dropbox

Then with unionfs, I bind them together into /etc/rc.local (again before exit 0)

sudo -u pi -i nohup unionfs-fuse -o cow Cloud/Dropbox.diff=RW:Cloud/Dropbox.ro=RO BtSync/Cloud/Dropbox &

where union-fuse must be installed with sudo apt-get install union-fuse. This command now will merge not intended to be written folder Dropbox.ro with differences Dropbox.diff to form an ordinary Dropbox folder, which is synchronised over the network with btsync. What remains to be done is to push changes from Dropbox.diff to the cloud and synchronise Dropbox.ro with it. That is exactly what I am doing.

To use rclone on pi I downloaded the RClone binary for arm devices and put it in ~/bin on pi:

rsync rclone pi@[ip of pi]:~/bin/

Then I ssh on the pi, run rclone config and follow instructions to add remote like Dropbox. To test my remote, I mirror the cloud locally with a command:

rclone sync Dropbox: ~/Cloud/Dropbox.ro

The last step is to put rclone and union-fuse together to form a synchronisation. The hardest part was to ensure that deletes remotely or locally took effect. Otherwise, the synchronisation script is simple:

# The script which applies the changes from unionfs and pulls new data from cloud
Remote=$1 # Dropbox
mkdir -p $BaseDir.ro && mkdir -p $BaseDir.diff

if test "$(ls -A $BaseDir.diff)"; then # A better option would be to use find to eclude sync files 
    mkdir -p $BaseDir.diff/.unionfs && cd $BaseDir.diff/.unionfs || exit 1
    find . -name "*_HIDDEN~" -type f | while read file; do rm "$file" && rm "$BaseDir.ro/${file:0:-8}" && rclone delete $Remote:"${file:0:-8}"; done
    find . -name "*_HIDDEN~" -type d | while read dir; do rmdir "$dir" && rmdir "$BaseDir.ro/${dir:0:-8}" && rclone rmdir $Remote:"${dir:0:-8}"; done 

    cd $BaseDir.diff || exit 1

    rsync -ua --exclude "*.!sync" --exclude ".unionfs" . "$BaseDir.ro"
    rclone move -u --delete-after --exclude "*.!sync" --exclude ".unionfs" . $Remote:

    find . -type d ! -name "*_HIDDEN~" -empty -delete

rclone sync $Remote: $BaseDir.ro
exit 0

which I place under ~/bin/rclone-bisync with usual chmod +x.

The last step is to execute this script regularly, which I do with crontab. That works as follows. I ssh into Raspberry and execute crontab -e, which lets me edit the user's crontab file. In that, I put the following line:

* * * * * sudo -u pi -i flock -n Dropbox.lock rclone-bisync Dropbox

which ensures that synchronisation is being started every minute if it is not already running. But for this to be effective system must log in to the user; thus, I set up autologin with raspi-config. Another option is to edit the system's crontab with sudo crontab -e, which would not need autologin.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Janis Erdmanis. Last modified: July 07, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.