Janis Erdmanis
Aug 11, 2023 | 939 Words

Transitioning from Org to Franklin

Like many, I serve my website with GitHub Pages, greatly reducing the burden. I don't need to maintain a server, pay a subscription fee or update certificates every six months, and I can focus on the content. However, now and then, technologies change, and I started to look at my website as a burden to keep it updated and publish new blog posts.

I used to use org-mode with my emacs but transitioned to markdown as time passed. Although Markdown is similar to org-mode, and I wish everyone would adopt ASCIIDOC, everyone has invested substantial resources in it, and there is just a better ecosystem in it. For example, I am now writing this in Markdown editor and editing my grammar and spelling with Grammarly in one place. It is immensely satisfying compared to copy-paste stuff in the Grammarly WEB interface, as I used to do. And trust me; you don't want to read me without AI in between!

So this website was built using the emacs org-publish package, and I did actually make a blog post about how I did, which I can happily include:

How I used to make this page
This web page is hosted with Github Pages from my GitHub repository for free. The tradeoff is that you can serve only static pages and content. This is where I and many others develop creative solutions since no one likes to write plain HTML. I use .org files for my journal and other note-taking things; thus, taking inspiration from others, I compile my org sources to static HTML with a single Elisp script.

Pretty cool, right? Stay with me, and I will show you some more.

The transition took me the last 12 days. About half of the time did take to update the content. In particular, as I have moved my focus to making software, I wanted that to reflect on my website. Also, my CV was forgotten for years since I got my job as a PhD candidate at TU Delft, and it was such a spectacular hack where to get a look; I wrote it all in #+HTML. As I converted my blog post .org files to .md after opening them in my markdown editor, I realised it was so bad I no longer could bear anyone looking at them. Thus for everyone, I did click-click-click with Grammarly until something like English came out ;D.

The other half, I spent writing a new template and making a project section on my homepage. I decided to drop the existing template and style of the website, which was not bad but did need to see some CSS love:

In particular, I liked having titles above page navigation and the colour balance I settled up. But other things just made me run away.

I started with Franklin's basic template as I knew it could be made rather beautiful from experience with peacefounder.org and adopted some good ideas I could find on the internet. In particular, I got inspired by card design:

which was fluid and offered a remedy for avoiding spending hours/days condensing my previous work experience into two sentences if I had written that on the side. A problem, though, was that it did not look as good with light images, and I spent the first two days making it look as it is now.

In modifying the template, I got a little traction on how to get CSS layout work for me. Although most of the time, it still does not, and I resort to hammering with everything I can find on StackExchange there. I wish I could have done this in QML instead, but I see the appeal of CSS to support drastically different screen sizes with the same HTML.

The second part was to modify the Franklin basic template:

Although it looks pretty discouraging from the beginning, the CSS file from Franklin is quite structured. The important part is that Franklin already comes in with highlight.js and katex.js for mathematical formulas and styles them decently. Also, this template comes with adapting layout depending on the screen size; thus, I could immediately look in on how it is done, modify some values here and there and take inspiration from the internet. I get the look I want, and you are looking at.

A pretty cool thing with Franklin is that I can generate dynamic content with Julia, which I know quite well. For instance, I can now list all my blog items in sorted order and discard those which are tagged as invisible with a simple method:

function hfun_blog()
    buffer = IOBuffer()

    for info in get_blog_items()
        if !("invisible" in info.tags)
            item_html = item2html(info)
            println(buffer, item_html)

  	return String(take!(buffer))

and insert that in the markdown easily with the following:


which is pretty neat. It is also possible to have arguments to this function in which I use a particular blog item by giving a filename or listing multiple posts with a specific tag which is terrific.

To conclude, updating this website has again become fun. Perhaps it is the future I could explore by adding a taglist or finding a nonobstructive place for socials, but for now, I am happy with what I made that burdened me in thought in the last few years. The feeling of having a roadblock has started to settle in me. I guess we will see some new blog posts here in the future :)


CC BY-SA 4.0 Janis Erdmanis. Last modified: September 28, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.