Name: Jānis Erdmanis
Address: Latvia, Valmiera, LV-4201
E-mail: janiserdmanis protonmail
GitHub: JanisErdmanis
2025 - Current Open Source AppBundler project - Sole Developer funded via NLNET
Developing tooling to create native, self-contained installers for Julia GUI applications
Independently designed, implemented, and managed all aspects of the project
Successfully secured competitive funding through NLNET Foundation
2017 - 2021 Quantum effects of superconducting phase, TU Delft, NL (s. Yuli Nazarov)
2016 Summer internship at SUSY data analysis group, CERN, CH (s. Simone Amoroso)
2015 - 2017 Magnetic micro-droplet in a rotating field, University of Latvia, LV (s. Andrejs Cebers)
2014 - 2015 Electron on-demand emission, University of Latvia, LV (s. Vyacheslavs Kascheyevs)
2017 - 2021 PhD in "Quantum effects of superconducting phase" at TU Delft, NL
2014 - 2016 MSc in Physics at University of Latvia, LV
2015 Spring semester at Umeå University with ERASMUS, SWE
2011 - 2014 BSc in Physics at University of Latvia, LV
2011 - 2014 Study scholarship in memory of Juris Melbārdis from Vītols Fund
2009 Acknowledgment in Latvia's National Physics Olympiad
Latvian - native
English - great at around B2
French - can read at A1
Programming languages: Julia, QML, Javascript, Python, C, C++, bash
Typesetting languages: LaTeX, Markdown, HTML, CSS, PlantUML
CMD Tools: ssh, rsync, git, emacs, PBS cluster
GUI Tools: Inkscape, Sketch
Protocols and schemes: REST, HTTP, JSON, ASN.1, HMAC, PKI, ZKP
AppBundler.jl: Bundle your Julia GUI Application.
[GitHub | video | news]
CryptoGroups.jl: versatile and type-safe implementation of cryptographic groups.
[GitHub | docs | news]
ShuffleProofs.jl: Verificatum compatible verifier and prover for NIZK proofs of shuffle.
[GitHub | video]
PeaceFounder: centralised E2E verifiable evoting via pseudonym braiding and history trees.
[GitHub | docs | website | preprint | video]
LaplaceBIE.jl: A boundary integral solver for electrostatics and magnetostatics.
[GitHub | docs | news]
Sports: swimming, running, cycling, skate skiing and snowboarding
Reading: fiction, political economics, philosophy and anthropology
DIY: electrical wiring, solar, open source deployments, woodworking
Cryptography and Security: public key cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs, blind signatures, authentification protocols and digital identity, bulletin boards, E2E verifiable e-voting systems
Jānis Erdmanis. Unveiling Full Stack Development with PeaceFounder. JuliaCon 2024.
[GitHub | video | slides]
Jānis Erdmanis. Bundle your Julia GUI Application. JuliaCon 2024.
[GitHub | video | slides]
Jānis Erdmanis. PeaceFounder: evoting by pseudonym braiding. EVoteID 2023.
[GitHub | poster | summary]
Jānis Erdmanis. Zero knowledge proofs of shuffle with ShuffleProofs.jl. JuliaCon 2022.
[GitHub | video | slides]
Jānis Erdmanis. TaskMaster.jl: How to not lose a mind by parallelising a feedback loop? JuliaCon 2020.
[GitHub | slides | docs]
Jānis Erdmanis, Árpád Lukács, Yuli V. Nazarov. Soft constrained topological transition. The Capri Spring School on Transport in Nanostructures 2019. (Created in response to the organiser's challenge to design a poster without text). [poster]
Jānis Erdmanis. PeaceFounder: centralised E2E verifiable evoting via pseudonym braiding and history trees. Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2024 (Preprint).
[pdf | code]
Jānis Erdmanis, Yuli Nazarov. Synchronization of Bloch oscillations by gate voltage modulation. Physical Review B, 2022.
[DOI | pdf | code | slides]
Jānis Erdmanis, Árpád Lukács, Yuli V. Nazarov. Drastic effect of weak interaction near special points in semiclassical multiterminal superconducting nanostructures. Physical Review B, 2022.
[DOI | pdf | slides | poster]
Victor Boogers, Jānis Erdmanis, Yuli V. Nazarov. Holonomic quantum manipulation in the Weyl disk. Physical Review B, 2022.
[DOI | pdf | code]
Jānis Erdmanis. Quantum effects of superconducting phase. PhD thesis at TU Delft, NL, 2021.
[DOI | pdf]
Jānis Erdmanis, Árpád Lukács, Yuli V. Nazarov. Weyl disks: Theoretical prediction. Physical Review B, 2018.
[DOI | pdf | code | poster]
J. Erdmanis, G. Kitenbergs, R. Perzynski, A. Cēbers. Magnetic micro-droplet in rotating field: numerical simulation and comparison with experiment. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017.
[DOI | pdf | code | poster]